Vegan Diet – Good For Your Teeth While Wearing Braces?

While we’ve all heard that milk is great for building strong bones and teeth, not everyone drinks milk. Although more Americans are becoming proactive about taking care of their overall health, many of us have dietary preferences that exclude dairy products. Both calcium and vitamin D are essential to your oral health, but are you Read More

Mail Order Orthodontics – Are You Willing To Take The Risk?

Would you consider undergoing orthodontic treatment to improve your smile without ever having to step foot inside an orthodontic or dental office? In the last couple years, there has been a significant increase in the purchase of mail order orthodontics and at-home teeth straightening kits, especially with teens. What’s the hook? It is advertised as Read More

Can Alcohol Affect Orthodontic Treatment?

You already know the effects alcohol can have on your body, but do you know how it can affect your oral health? At Affiliated Orthodontics, our job is to educate adult patients on how to keep their teeth healthy during orthodontic treatment. Before you pick up that glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage, consider what’s Read More

Orthodontic Treatment For Children

Most parents understand the importance of starting children young with an at-home oral care routine. While children start their dental care routine in their toddler years, do you know the best age to start them with orthodontic treatment? Some parents choose to wait until all of their child’s permanent teeth have come in, but what Read More

Are Your Braces Making Your Morning Breath Worse?

We all know what it’s like to have morning breath. But those of us with braces may have morning breath that is a little stronger than most. Dry Mouth and Morning Breath The most common cause of morning breath is dry mouth. When you sleep, your body is not able to produce as much saliva. Read More

Could Your Breakfast Affect Your Smile?

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But how important is it to our oral health? The Breakfast Effect Think about your typical first meal of the day. Is it hot or cold? Does it have a lot of sugar in it? Is it balanced? In the United States, Read More

4 Reasons Why Dental Checkups Are Important

To maintain your car, it is recommended to change your oil at least every 3,000 miles. Failing to do so could result in damage to your car’s engine. Oral health follows a similar concept. Failure to visit your dentist for a dental checkup at least once every six months could lead to gum disease and Read More

Is Biting Your Nails Bad For Your Teeth?

Whether you’re stressed, excited or bored, biting nails is a very common habit among kids and adults of all ages. Although it is more common among children ages 10 to 18, studies have shown that 30% of children and 15% of adults are nail biters. The good news is that most people drop the habit Read More

Retainers – Life After Braces

It’s a big day at Affiliated Orthodontics when our patient’s braces are removed. It’s time to celebrate! But first, this is a reminder that braces are a huge investment and your orthodontic care does not end here. After braces are removed, a custom fit device called a retainer reinforces and stabilizes your new smile so Read More

Debunked: 5 Common Myths About Gum Disease

We’ve all heard of gum disease, but what do you really know? Many people think they know all about gum disease, but not everything we hear or read is correct. To help bridge the gap between fact and fiction, here are 5 myths about gum periodontal disease, its causes, and treatments, debunked. Bleeding gums are Read More

Sugar…Soda…And Your Teeth

Picture your favorite sugary drink. Odds are it’s either carbonated or contains too much sugar. Now picture what your teeth would look like if you only drank that for the next five years. Believe it or not, most of us would have significant tooth decay, stained teeth or, in some cases, gum disease. Why Sugar Read More

8 Reasons To Smile in 2018

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Depending on what stage you are in of orthodontic treatment, smiling may be the last thing you want to do. Whether you’re just starting with braces or Invisalign or near the Read More

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Happy Holidays to all from Affiliated Orthodontics! This is the time of year where giving means more than receiving. To see the joy on a loved one’s face as they look in their stocking or open a present is truly what giving is about. The Team at Affiliated Orthodontics would like to share some stocking Read More

Floss Like A Pro

Using floss is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain good dental health. It is the process of cleaning between your teeth to remove debris and food from areas a toothbrush cannot normally reach and an important part of your daily routine to keep your pearly whites sparkling and healthy. When Read More

Labor Day – What’s It All About

It’s that time of year again! Labor Day is our last chance to celebrate the summer. But what actually is the meaning behind Labor Day? Labor Day began in 1894. The US Congress decided that the first Monday of every September would honor the working men and women of our great country. This would include Read More

Buck Teeth – What To Do?

Buck teeth, also known as a malocclusion or severe overbite, is much more common than we think. In many cases, buck teeth are a hereditary condition. But, it can also be worsened by prolonged thumb sucking, bottle feeding or the overuse of a pacifier. Throughout history, they have been the cause of bullying and embarrassment. Read More

Smile – It Offers Many Benefits

A simple smile holds the key to many wonderful secrets. When you flash a wonderfully beautiful smile, you are sending a message not only to the world but subconsciously to yourself. You are telling the world that you are happy and confident but also telling yourself. We all smile when we are happy but did Read More