Affiliated Orthodontics’ Patients beware: Halloween Treats Can Bite Back

Halloween is a fun time of year for kids of all ages… but can be a “nightmare” for an orthodontic practice if patients are damaging appliances eating the wrong treats.

At Affiliated Orthodontics we love Halloween!! However, we also are proactive educating parents and patients of the potential hazards that can occur if orthodontic patients don’t watch what they eat.

October is National Orthodontic Health Month. Dr. Womack and Dr. Davis support the American Association of Orthodontics in their efforts to make patients aware of foods they need to avoid, especially with Halloween goodies.

Patients still can enjoy treats… just orthodontic friendly treats. Click here to download a Do’s and Don’ts Treat List offered by the AAO. As a reminder, print it off and post in on your refrigerator for all to see.

Follow the list and save candy you can eat and give away treats that will harm your braces. A few sweets can be OK occasionally, whether wearing braces or not, as long as you brush and floss after eating.

The team at Affiliated Orthodontics wants everyone to enjoy the holiday. However, we also want you to protect the investment you and your family has made in helping us create a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Click here to find Brace Friendly Recipes offered by the AAO.

Click Here for Tips for Trick – or -Treaters.

Do you think we are being unreasonable asking patients to give up treats that damage their braces? Please leave your comments below. Now is the time to vent….

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