Embracing Change At Lightning Speed in 2014

Life as we know it at Affiliated Orthodontics, both professionally in the delivery of orthodontic care and personally in our lives, is changing at the blink of an eye. It is both an exciting and intimidating age we live in and it amazes Dr. Randol Womack and our team every day. If we are here today, Read More

Braces or Invisalign… That is the Question

Considering orthodontic treatment to create the beautiful smile you always dreamed of? It is a big decision and one that requires research if you are considering #Invisalign as an alternative to traditional braces. Both will lead to your new smile, but the roads traveled are quite different. Everyone is familiar with #braces that are available Read More

Are Your Children Eating Cereals That Are Mainly Sugar in a Box?

The Environmental Working Group researchers recently ranked more than 1500 #cereals by their total #sugar content, total weight and compared the findings with guidelines issued by federal health agencies and other organizations. What is most disturbing is that they also re-evaluated the list of 84 popular cereals evaluated in 2011 for comparison. Results… not one Read More

Was Tom Cruise a Victim of Bullying as Kid?

Having “ugly” teeth may significantly contribute to the problem of bullying, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. According to the study, teeth were the No. 1-targeted physical feature to increase a child’s chance of being bullied, followed by the child’s strength and weight. Do you think Read More

Celebrate Earth Day with Affiliated Orthodontics

Dr. Randol Womack and team at Affiliated Orthodontics will be joining the world in acknowledging Earth Day on April 22nd as a way to demonstrate our support for environmental protections. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 among two thousand colleges and universities, approximately 10.000 primary and secondary schools, and hundreds of communities across the Read More

Protect Your Orthodontic Investment – Wear Your Retainers!

After orthodontic treatment is completed at Affiliated Orthodontics, retainers are the finishing touch to maintain your beautiful new smile while the teeth stabilize and over a lifetime of good oral health. An orthodontic retainer is a custom-fit device that is removable or bonded depending upon the patient’s individual needs. It is your insurance policy your Read More

Mouthguards – A Germ Infested Breeding Ground

Most adults and kids today understand the importance of wearing a mouthguard when playing contact sports, especially while wearing braces. Blows to the mouth are painful enough without brackets and wires cutting into your lips and tongue making it worse. Teeth are actually less prone to injury when wired together as a single unit during Read More

TMJ Jaw Pain Can Be a Mouthful

Living with aching or clicking jaws can be hard to swallow! Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also commonly known as TMJ or TMD, is a joint disorder that affects the opening and closing of the jaw, and can have many side effects that relate to the teeth, head and neck. Like other joints, the relationship between the Read More

Start the New Year with a New Smile

Losing weight, exercising, healthy diet, and reducing stress are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions that target health and well-being. While they are important, have you ever thought about improving your smile? While many patients undergo orthodontic treatment for cosmetic reasons, braces also correct tooth alignment, spacing, and your occlusion or bite for Read More

Preventing Braces – Fact or Fiction

Most parents today are well informed when it comes to stopping adverse habits that effects tooth and jaw development in infants and toddlers. Prolonged thumb sucking, pacifiers, and use of bottles past the age of three are reported to cause problems with teeth and impact early jaw development. However, did you know that poor bites Read More

Celebrities Embrace Wearing Braces

Affiliated Orthodontics wants you to know that braces aren’t just for kids. Even celebrities enjoy the benefits that orthodontic treatment can offer and embrace traditional braces rather than invisible braces to correct their problems. Not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign or braces behind the teeth. Below are a few recognizable names who have Read More

Is Your Sweet Tooth Worth It?

Sugar in our daily diet will always be an issue for dental and medical professionals, nutritionists, and parents. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. But the real question is… will we listen? Overall, Read More

Orthodontic Tips for Back to School…

It’s that time of year again! The temperature is cooling off, fall sports are underway, and all the kids are headed back to school. At Affiliated Orthodontics we want to offer a few helpful tips for going back to school with braces! Make sure to follow the 2×2 brushing rule: brush your teeth for TWO minutes, TWO Read More

Sensitive Teeth – The Root of the Matter

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity? Hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods and drinks, and deep cavities or fillings often trigger this problem. Sensitivity is a common dilemma and an estimated 45 million Americans are victims! If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, sensitivity is also not at all uncommon. Sensitive teeth normally occurs when Read More

The Effects of Dairy on Teeth

As kids we all remember hearing our parents or grandparents remind us that dairy products help build strong bones and teeth. But did you also know that milk and dairy products in general help can assist in improving your oral health and lowering your risk for gum disease? A Winning Combination: Nutrition and Dental Health Read More