Orthodontic Tips for Back to School…

72-back to schoolIt’s that time of year again! The temperature is cooling off, fall sports are underway, and all the kids are headed back to school. At Affiliated Orthodontics we want to offer a few helpful tips for going back to school with braces!

  • Make sure to follow the 2×2 brushing rule: brush your teeth for TWO minutes, TWO times each day! This will help keep your teeth and braces clean, which leads to quicker appointments and healthier teeth. If you want to brush after lunch, keep a toothbrush in your backpack.
  • Bring a water bottle to school. Drinking water throughout the day helps to keep your mouth clean, fight cavities, and prevent bad breath. Stick with water and you can’t go wrong.
  • Keep an extra pack of elastics in your backpack. And if you have a locker, it is wise to store some extra rubber bands in there, too. Remember that those elastics help move teeth, so not wearing them could result in longer treatment times.
  • We know you have to eat in order to perform well in the classroom. Always eat smart at every meal! Avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, or chewy to prevent bending wires or knocking off brackets. Damage to your braces can cause discomfort and lengthen your treatment time. Good breakfast foods for kids with braces include yogurt, fruit smoothies, and eggs.
  • Check out your lunch menu every week to make sure something is being offered every day that you like and can eat with braces. We recommend cooked vegetables, softer foods like spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, and lean cuts of meat. Avoid chips, soft drinks, and sports drinks. Pack your lunch and take it with you if the choices aren’t right for you.
  • Bananas make a great snack. They are high in potassium and fiber which promotes heart and bone health. If you like hard fruits such as apples or pears cut them into pieces before you leave for school and chew them with your back teeth. Biting into hard fruits can damage your braces.

Good luck in school this year and remember to care for your teeth and braces every day!

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