Dating with Braces

Having to live, eat, and brush around braces is certainly a big task. Many teens and adults who have braces worry about braving the dating scene. Braces can make dating seem daunting and heightens nerves all around. Never fear! There’s no reason your orthodontic treatment should hamper your romantic life. Whether you’re a teen or an adult, dating with braces is possible and still just as fun. Here are a few of our tips and suggestions for a painless date night!


 Can You Kiss with Braces?

Yes! We know that kissing with braces seems daunting. We’re asked about how to go about kissing with braces, or if people get stuck together when kissing with braces. So, here are a few facts about kissing to reassure you. Kissing has its benefits! Saliva production increases when kissing, making it great for your teeth and oral health. Contrary to belief, exposure to your partner’s germs can also improve your immune system. A passionate kiss can help you to burn a few extra calories when your heart rate increases.

While it’s true that your mouth is full of bacteria, and that especially during cold and flu season it’s easy to exchange germs, a good oral health regimen can keep disease at bay. 

Dates to Avoid with Braces

You can feel beautiful and have a successful date night with braces. For dinner or lunch dates, any dish can seem like a risk. You can always pack a toothbrush if you want to be super prepared. For a successful and embarrassment-free dating experience with braces, we advise you to stick to soft foods you know won’t get caught in your brackets and teeth. 

Popular dates like a movie, the mall, or a local summer carnival have lots of foods that aren’t braces-friendly. When you’re out for a romantic night nothing kills the mood like a bracket popping off, so. Best avoid foods on the list of problem snacks your orthodontist gives you. Things like popcorn, chewy candy, or hard pizza and cookies are a recipe for disaster rather than a fun date. 


Can You Drink with Braces?

For adults tackling the dating scene with braces, whether enjoying a glass of wine is allowed is a question many ask. So how can you safely drink alcohol with braces? First and foremost, drink water as well throughout the night. While this is good practice when drinking in general, consuming water along with your alcoholic drink of choice washes the sugar and acid off the surface of your teeth as you drink. Secondly, slowly sipping your drink isn’t the way to go. Frequent small drinks allow more contact between the acidic alcohol and your enamel. 

Alcohol isn’t something you think of as being full of sugar, but many drinks have deceptively high sugar content. This excess sugar is attractive to bacteria, and those bacteria leave behind enamel-eating acids. Alcohol has a high acid content as well. Mixed drinks made of soda or fruit juices typically have the most acid. If left on the teeth too long, acid can erode the enamel on your teeth, making you prone to disease-causing bacteria. 

And when you turn in for the night, don’t forget to keep up your oral health routine. Flossing and brushing after alcohol are essential for your dental health. 

As always, we’re here to help you through all parts of orthodontic treatment, and if you have any questions feel free to give us a call and ask!

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